How to Maximize the Value of a Board Meeting

A board meeting is an important time to discuss critical company issues with a variety of experts. They help to provide a variety of perspectives, which is vital when deciding on strategies that are large-scale and specifying the means by how teams will implement those strategies.

The efficiency of a meeting depends on the way the leader keep discussions on the topic and directs them. No matter how energetic or thorough the agenda, when discussions diverge from the topic and run over-time, meetings will be ineffective. It may also be difficult for participants to prepare and participate in a meeting if important documents were not delivered prior to the meeting.

To maximize the value from board meetings, start each meeting with a 10-minute recap, which repeats the most important points of previous pre-meetings and the board’s package. This will help focus the minds of board members and keep them focused on the discussion on the table.

The distraction of discussions that are new can take up meeting time and divert board members from the more pressing agenda items. Include a parking issue on the agenda to allow unrelated topics of discussion that might require further discussion but aren’t considered to be a top priority.

Once the agenda is established, it is crucial to listen to the reports of the executive director as well as any standing or committees. It’s also a good idea to review financial reports, but only if they are in need of further discussion. After discussion has concluded, the chair should open the floor for a discussion on each item. Before a vote can be called, a motion should be “seconded”.

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